Diving at Li Galli islands

The islets of Li Galli make up a very small archipelago located in the Gulf of Salerno, between Capri and Positano. Li Galli are located about 3 miles from the coast and they form part of the Punta Campanella Marine Protected Area. The three islands are called Rotonda, Castelluccia and Gallo Lungo, the only inhabited rock on which stands the villa that used to belong to the famous Russian dancer Rudolf Nurejev.

They were also once called Sirenuse because, according to Greek mythology, they were inhabited by beautiful sirens that bewitched sailors with their song. One of these sailors was Ulysses, who cunningly managed to trick these creatures, who were so disappointed they committed suicide by drowning themselves between the rocks of Li Galli: the body of Ligea was carried by the currents in the Gulf of Santa Eufemia to Calabria, that of Leucosia arrived south of Salerno giving Punta Licosa its name while Partenope was cradled by the waves as far as Naples, becoming the protector of the city.
The Li Galli archipelago is an area that is almost completely untouched. The absence of boats means the sea is crystal clear and divers can do some fascinating dives.
The favourite area for divers is the one that runs along the south wall of Gallo Lungo: it goes down to a depth of 20 metres, among yellow and white reefs, where you can see tuna and amberjack and holes that are home to morays, groupers and brown meagre fish.