

The path continues and the view widens. This number 30 brings us, for the first time, along the coast of the province of Caserta: into that Castel Volturno which is as misunderstood as it is fascinating, which hides real naturalistic jewels such as Oasis Variconi. A magical place for biodiversity, where unique species of birds nest.

Ours is a journey of "zero kilometre" wonders: the ones we have under our eyes every day, without even realising it. What else can we say about the Giardino della Minerva in Salerno, the first Botanical Garden in the history of this part of the West? Or of the Villa of Agrippa Posthumus, in one of the most touristic areas of Sorrento?

Alongside these so close, yet so far away stages (to paraphrase the title of a famous book by Jonathan Safran Foer), we take you - literally - to inaccessible and unexplored places, where Nature resumes its course and where time flows according to its ancestral rhythms. A few tens of kilometres separate Salerno from Giovanna Voria's Corbella farm. Yet it really feels like entering another world, which we will let you get to know through its traditions and its gastronomy.

And finally, a bit of History: this concerns the "sterminator Vesevo" (Vesuvius the Great Exterminator) that dominates the plain of Campania, from the Lattari Mountains (yes, we also bring you here) to the city of Naples. A masterpiece of Nature crystallised in the Scavi di Pompei, a "talking" path that redefines its origins at every new discovery.

Welcome to one of the most fascinating journeys of 30.