A woodpecker beats its beak against a willow where a penduline tit is building its unique nest on a branch. Meanwhile, a family of wild boars takes advantage of the gray day for a refreshing bath in the swamp. Marvelous groups of cranes greet them from above, as they cut through the skies to migrate north. At nightfall this unpolluted place becomes the kingdom of otters which, far from intrusive eyes, organize profitable fishing trips.
Ph. Raffaele Imondi - Trentaremi

These are just some of the scenes that take place daily in the Persano Oasis, a 110-hectare nature reserve on the Sele plain, recognized as a Wet Area of International Importance. A WWF park with an artificial lake where in the summer the biggest crested grebes perform the characteristic courtship rituals. Here nature expresses itself in different ways, from the hygrophilous forest, one of the most important in Italy, to the thick rushes, the ideal habitat for the rice field mouse and an excellent refuge for the great reed warbler or the little bittern.
«The environmental context has great naturalistic value - explains Remigio Lenza, manager of the oasis - because the ecological variety favors the permanence of numerous types of vegetation and fauna. And this confirms the key role of this territory in the protection of biodiversity in Campania and southern Italy».
One of the seasonal residents of the oasis: the great egret | Ph. Raffaele Imondi

A hazel dormouse on patrol | Ph. Raffaele Imondi

Mr. Lenza, the Oasis of Persano is home to 193 bird species. It is now an essential stop for bird watchers...
Thanks to the variety of its environments, every season many birds come to visit us. In winter the ducks arrive: common teals, shovelers and ferruginous ducks. In the spring there are herons: little egrets, squacco herons and night herons, and the wading birds, from the black winged stilt to the wood sandpiper to the plover. The latter appear when sandy and pebbly beaches emerge with the reducing of the waters. Flooded meadows, on the other hand, are the preferred habitat for snipes that sift the soil with the long and characteristic beak in search of food. In the oasis there are dormitories for swallows, martins, but also sparrows and starlings, which attract many birds of prey. As permanent guests we have the buzzard, the kestrel or the black kite, but also nocturnal birds of prey such as barn owl, owl, tawny owl, scops owl and the very rare short-eared owl. Other species, just to name a few, are the little grebe, the glossy ibis, the kingfisher.
A great reed warbler at lunch | Ph. Raffaele Imondi

But in this long list other animal species must be included...
Yes, there is a very rich fish fauna. The most common species are the chub, the barbel, the tench, the Italian bleak, as well as an interesting presence of lampreys. Among the main elements of the complex food chain of the ecosystem there are amphibians such as the yellow-belly, the toad, the tree frog. And also reptiles: the water turtle, the ringed snake, the four-lined snake and the whip snake. The oasis also houses the skunk, badger, marten, weasel and, of course, “our” otter.
The wild boars allow themselves a bath | Ph. Raffaele Imondi

Why is the otter the symbol of Persano?
Because the Sele river, together with its tributaries, is home to one of the most vital otter populations in Italy. The tranquility and ideal environment of the oasis guarantee it a safe haven. It is a nocturnal animal and very fearful of man, it hides in the hygrophilous wood and in the large rushes. Symbol of the state of health of the river ecosystem, the otter plays a fundamental role in the food chain.
Can you tell us some curiosities about the otter?
Even today the biology of this animal is of great interest for naturalists. The otter loves to play because it has developed more the left part of the brain, which is responsible for fun. And so it enjoys using natural ramps at the edges of the river as a hobby or opening seafood thanks to the skill of its paws.
A very rare shot of a yellow-crowned wagtail | Ph. Raffaele Imondi

In the last period several otters have been hit by cars. What kind of ventures can be undertaken for its conservation?
According to most researchers, many otters die in search of new territories to colonize, since the spaces in which they usually live are saturated. It is a sign that the otter population is alive and vital. This is why local governments should protect and expand the areas where animals live, creating ecological corridors that make their movements safe.
The kingfisher rest | Ph. Raffaele Imondi

A fox looking for a “snack” | Ph. Raffaele Imondi

Why do these animals choose the Persano Oasis?
I can answer taking into consideration some species, symbol of the good level of environmental conservation. The rich bird communities, the variety of fish and herpetological fauna, for example, indicate that the undergrowth adjacent to the waterway is healthy. Just as the presence of the skunk and otter, which are mustelids that live in wet and river areas, means that there are good reserves of fish species to hunt and that the surrounding natural environment is intact.
The courtship ritual between two great crested grebes | Ph. Raffaele Imondi

What makes the survival of rare species that live in the Persano oasis difficult?
The problems can be the presence of both plant and animal exotic species or the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides in agriculture. But also illegal activities such as hunting and some types of fishing, the uncontrolled collection of water from the river and any illegal dumpings.
Is tourism more aware today?
Today we are more attentive to issues such as pollution and climate change. And this rewards the work of the WWF, which has always been committed to promoting oases and so-called sustainable activities, that is, in harmony with nature.
The profile of a cormorant | Ph. Raffaele Imondi

So which is the way to bring more and more people closer to nature?
We must continue on this path, expanding the offer of services for children, families and organized groups, in order to make stays in our protected areas more pleasant and lasting.