

We are at the turning point of the tenth issue, which comes at a strange and delicate moment for the whole world. The year 2020 will be remembered as the one of the Covid pandemic, no doubt about this. Precisely for this reason it is important not to lose contact with beauty: in art, in nature, in the kitchen.

Sitting on our sofas or at our desks, we can travel with our imagination and thoughts to the uncontaminated Oasis of Persano, a small paradise at the mouth of the Sele; or on among the beech trees of Mount Raschio, in the enchanting scenery of the Park of Bracciano. 

We can dedicate ourselves to cooking a traditional dish or to sip a liqueur on these evenings that become more and more mild, thanks to the spring. We can still learn more about the wonders of art with which our southern Italy is full. 

Because beauty is always here, a few steps away from us. And you, friends and readers of 30, can always keep it alive.